Senior Educator
Originally from London, England, Rabbi Lawrence Hajioff graduated with honors in political science from Manchester University. After working for MTV in news production, and winning the national competition ‘Jewish Stand-Up Comedian’ of the Year, Rabbi Hajioff traveled to study in Israel and then Monsey to receive his rabbinical smicha ordination from Yeshiva Ohr Somayach. Rabbi Hajioff is the educational director of Birthright Israel Alumni in Manhattan, New York. He has been instrumental in implementing programs for Birthright Israel in Manhattan such as the very successful adult bar and bat mitzvah program which some four hundred people have completed so far. He also leads trips to Israel and Poland three times a year for hundreds of young professionals. On behalf of Birthright Israel, he leads leadership trips to Israel, Poland and Prague. Rabbi Hajioff is on the full-time faculty of Stern College for Women at Yeshiva University. His very popular credited courses include courses on Jewish Philosophy, Mysticism, Jewish holidays, Shabbat and many others. He teaches introductory Judaic studies courses, which cover all the foundations of Jewish thought. He recently received the “Professor of the Year” award in Judaic Studies from the senior year students at Stern. His very popular book “Jew Got Questions” was published by Feldheim in 2014 Rabbi Hajioff lives in Wesley Hills with his wife Anita and their five children.